Monday, June 30, 2008

Origin of Religion - Important Dates in History:

c. 2000 BC: Time of Abraham, the patriarch of Israel.

c. 1200 BC: Time of Moses, the Hebrew leader of the Exodus.

c. 1100 - 500 BC: Hindus compile their holy texts, the Vedas.

c. 563 - 483 BC: Time of Buddha, founder of Buddhism.

c. 551 - 479 BC: Time of Confucius, founder of Confucianism.

c. 200 BC: The Hindu book, Bhagavad Gita, is written.

c. 2 to 4 BC - 32 AD: Time of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and founder of Christianity.

c. 32 AD: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

c. 40 - 90 AD: The New Testament is written by the followers of Jesus Christ.

c. 570 - 632 AD: Time of Muhammad, who records the Qur'an as the basis of Islam.